The Brig Amity
Western Australia’s colonial history began with the arrival of the Brig Amity in Princess Royal Harbour in 1826. Under instructions from the British Government the Amity brought the first European settlers to the Albany Region shores to establish a military post.
Thank you Steven K Photography for your cover photo
After more than a 6 week arduous journey from Sydney, battling through heavy weather and then enduring the summer heat, the brig Amity anchored not far from the place where the replica now stands on Christmas Day in 1826. On board were Major Edmund Lockyer, 19 soldiers, 23 convicts (mostly tradesmen) together with a small staff and the ship’s crew. They also had stores for six months including sheep and pigs
The traditional owners of this country are the Minang people and some of them had already seen and met the European explorers who had visited these shores earlier.
Whereas the explorers always continued on their journey, the Amity’s passengers where here to stay.
The settlement was named Frederickstown after His Royal Highness, Duke of York and Albany, Freerick Augustus – second son of King George III. In 1831 Governor Stirling visited the King George sound and changed the settlements name to Albany, one of the Prince’s ducal titles.
The new settlers began to develop agricultural and pastoral holdings and over the decades, Albany evolved into a busy port, serving the immigration and produce needs of the goldfields and exporting timber and agricultural products.
The Brig Amity Replica was built in the mid 1970’s to mark the 150th anniversary of the foundation of Albany.
Local historian Les Johnson gathered the details of the size and structure of the vessel from maritime historians around the world. The replica vessel was built using designs, techniques and materials similar to those used in the early 1800’s. Local boat builder Stan Austin was project supervisor and Pieter van der Brugge was the leading shipwright. Many local people joined the team with the aim of making this the focal point of celebrations.
Thank you Mi Nouche